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About NFL Disability Benefits (Line-of-Duty and Permanent Disability Claims) 

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As covered by the Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement Plan you may be entitled to receive Line-of-Duty Disability benefits. Your aches and pains, reduced body function and mobility and other disablement that was incurred from League football activities would be covered by this. 

If you incurred a "substantial disablement arising out of League football activities." The "substantial disablement" must have persisted or be expected to persist for at least 1 year from the date of its occurrence. If you incur a substantial disablement arising out of League football activities (but you are not totally and permanently disabled), you may be eligible for "Line of Duty" disability benefits. 



100% of benefit credits but not less than $4,000/month.

Effective January 1, 2021 the minimum benefit increases to $4,500/month. 



7 - 1/2 Years



Greater of four (4) years or the number of years equal to your Credited Seasons. For example, if you are a player with 10 Credited Seasons will be able to apply for Line of Duty benefits at any time up to 10 years after you cease to be an Active Player. 


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